Spending the Night with Leo DiCaprio

He's so dreamy

No, I didn’t really spend the night with Leo DiCaprio, but  After watching Inception this past weekend, I immediately went into Crazy Obsessed Fan mode. I went to Streaming Flix, rented an undisclosed number (I say undisclosed because I’m embarrassed to admit the actual number) of Leo movies. Here were a few of my favorites of the night:

Titanic! The greatest love story of all time. This is the movie that made me fall in love with Leonardo DiCaprio in the first place. A poor but charming young fellow who somehow manages to woo a beautiful heiress. Who can forget the naked picture drawing and the steamy car scene? Not me. Titanic is a passionate and timeless classic, all made possible by the handsome Leo.

Leo in Catch Me If You Can was irresistible as Frank Abagnale Jr., a young conman who successfully conned millions of dollars before his 19th birthday. Leo plays this role beautifully as a charming, sophisticated, quick-witted, and deceptive Frank. Chasing never looked this good.

Yes, Leonardo DiCaprio is quite the man. He’s talented, brilliant, suave, and strikingly handsome. His career in showbiz has been long and illustrious, I hope it stays that way.

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